Mr Big Clumsy Average


My interest in Engineering has developed over several years since I was in Secondary School. I was accepted to a technical school since I was sixteen. During my third year in my engineering Diploma program, I participated in internship program with a Telecommunication Company for four months. As an apprentice I was able to see close-up the real working environment. Both my parents are also Engineer. Engineering is wide in subjects and it is a Degree Course that is relevant to the future and attractive to employer. The technologies in this world are rapidly changing which require me to update my knowledge continuously with the current technology if I want to stay relevant in this field.

My final year project during my Diploma course is based on electronic devices (robot navigate using GPS, Global Positioning System). From there, I could see that Electrical and Electronics Engineering is the course that I choose when I want to continue to do my degree. Nowadays, we could also see that Electrical and Electronic Industries has grown rapidly. I have high hopes that with the experiences that I have will have me overcome all the difficulty that I will face during my degree day.

My academic and leisure activities have given me confidence to work with people from a variety of social backgrounds. I was elected as the group leader when doing the project for my final year Diploma course. I am also very attentive to details which are a required trait if I want to be an engineer.